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Rwanda - Cyato Nyamasheke

PriceFrom $8.00
100 Grams
  • This fully washed coffee from the Cyato station is carefully selected from ripe, red cherries and processed with care to preserve quality.

    Lake Kivu near Cyato wash station in Western Province, Rwanda. Built in 2017, the station is operated by Tropic Coffee Company and serves more than 25 coffee growers at altitudes between 1,800 and 2,200 meters above sea level.

    Producers select the cherry selectively and deliver it to the Cyato washing station. At the entrance, cherries are sorted and pulped in the station's pulper to remove unripe or damaged cherries. The coffee is fermented for 12 to 24 hours before being washed in clean water. The parchment is transported to raised beds to dry. The parchment is rotated frequently to allow it to dry properly. It takes about 10 to 20 days for the parchment to dry.

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