Nutty and Herbal Aromas, and Has Distinct Cherry and Berry Notes.
Catimor coffee (sometimes called tea coffee) is a cross of Timor and Caturra coffee. Arabica coffee is its scientific name (Timor was bred from Arabica and Robusta coffee). To distinguish it from other coffee varieties, Catimor is also known as T8667 (called in Central America). They also have a sensual and delectable aroma.
Catimor is a fantastic coffee variety. In 1959, a Portuguese laboratory created a lovely coffee flavor. Users will find a solid bitter taste mixed with a delightful and sour taste when enjoying this type of coffee. This is what makes this coffee special.
Regarding biological characteristics, the Catimor coffee tree is a tree with a canopy that covers the trunk, thus limiting the damage of stem borers (the behaviour of this species is that it does not like to lay eggs in low light places). . Catimor coffee grows in the form of a bush with small leaves, not very tall, and looks low from the outside like a tea tree. Catimor seeds are round, small, and contain very little caffeine (only about 1–2%). Catimor beans are a bit like Arabica Bourbon coffee beans, so it is difficult to recognize. But for those who have used coffee for a long time, it will be easy to recognize which is genuine Catimor.
This Catimor coffee variety, when hybridized, has good resistance to pests and diseases, thereby becoming one of the coffee varieties with the highest economic value in Vietnam. Catimor trees with 1 hectare of coffee will yield 4-5 tons (if cultivated well). Due to its high yield, rust resistance, and delicious taste, the price of Catimor coffee is also about 1.5 times higher than that of coffee beans.
According to history, in the years 1958 – 1959 of the 19th centuries, Central South America often faced epidemic diseases on coffee trees, in which Bourbon, Typica and Moka coffee are affected varieties. benefit the most. To find a way to save, scientists have tried to research to create a new coffee variety that can withstand the disease. By 1959, the Portuguese Coffee Institute (CIFC) had received a lot of Timor Hybrid seeds from the island of Timor (Timor Hybrid is a natural hybrid between C. Arabica and C. Robusta, present in Vietnam. island of Timor in 1920). The best news is that the genetics from Robusta gives Timor very good resistance to rust. From the two seed lots received by CIFC, they started research to create new coffee varieties that are disease resistant, compact, easy to grow and can give a high yield in the same cultivated area. And at IAC – Brazil, hybrids called “Cat Catoror” were born after some initial testing, right during the appearance of rust in the Americas. Then the next time came the varieties. Catimor cafe has undergone selected in many places in many parts of Latin America and began to disperse to many countries worldwide. The Malawi Research Unit used five breeds of Catimor. Six lines of Catimor were selected and brought into cultivation in Papua New Guinea.